Personal Finance is the practical application of the guidelines of finance to all monetary activities of a person or the whole family. It deals with the methods in which a person or family gain, budget, save, and spend money on a certain period of time, taking into consideration a variety of financial risks along with future life events. There are plenty of financial products a person might look into when planning for personal finances : among them are banking products savings accounts, checking account, credit cards and personal loans), investment (bonds, stock market, mutual funds) and insurance products (health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance). There is also contribution and tracking social security benefits or retirement plans of a person or sponsored by employer, and income tax management.

Personal financial planning

Financial planning is the main aspect of personal finance, which is an engaging process that needs routine monitoring and reevaluation. Generally, this calls for five stages:What Is Personal Finance by PracticalFinancialTips

The assessment: A person’s financial condition can be assessed by putting together his or her financial statements which includes income statements and balance sheets. An individual balance sheet details the valuations of personal assets such as vehicle, real estate property, jewelry, stock and bank account, together with personal liabilities such as mortgage, bank loan or credit card debt. An individual income statement details personal income and expenses.
The setting of goals: Creating numerous goals is typical, having a combination of short and long term goals. For instance, a long-term target would be to “leave the workplace and retire at the age of 65 having a personal net worth of 1 million dollars,” whereas a short-term mission could be to “save money for a brand new cellphone over the next month.” Setting up financial goals guides the financial planning. Setting goals is carried out having an objective to fulfill specific financial requirements.
The building of a plan: This financial plan indicates how to achieve your desired goals. It might consist of, for instance, lowering unwanted expenditures, boosting one’s employment salary, or perhaps investing in gold or stock market.
The execution: The person needs self-discipline and determination when executing his or her personal financial plan. A lot of people find guidance from professionals like accountants, lawyers, tax consultant, investment advisers and financial planners.
The tracking and reassessment: Periodically, the person’s financial plan need to be tracked for possible modifications or reassessments.

The majority of adults and teenagers have a common goals of paying off their student loan or credit card debt, investing for their retirement, making an investment for college fees for their kids, paying for insurance, and preparing for passing on their asset to their beneficiaries which is called estate planning.